Balení obsahuje 14 kotoučků. Můžete obědnávat v 8 barevných variantách ticketů (na každý den jiná barva), nebo mix barev. Šatnové samolepící tickety, si zákazník může nalepit např. na telefon nebo peněženku. Váha: 3700g, jeden kotouček obsahuje víc jak 300 ticketů.
DostupnéID: locker-room-tickets€ 156DetailLUGGAGE STICKERS
Tickety luggage stickers are made of thermal paper; no ink or toner required compatible with all Coatcheck printers.
ID: luggage-stickers€ 156DetailCLOAKROOM STICKERS (pre-printed)
The locker room stickers consist of two parts: one for the client and the other with a hole for a hanger or any hook in the locker room. The stickers are already pre-printed for you. The package contains 600 stickers.
ID: locker-room-stickers€ 40DetailLUGGAGE STICKERS (pre-printed)
Pre-printed luggage stickers are designed for sticking around the handle of suitcases, backpacks, handbags or other luggage. One package contains 180 tickets. One part for the customer sticks to the luggage handle as you know from the check-in area at the airport.
ID: luggage-stickers-180€ 10Detail